Ecology Programme
Sefydlwyd Carregwyllt i reoli materion ecolegol stad Carreglwyd ac i alluogi gwahaniaethu rhwng yr ystâd fel busnes ffermio a’r ystâd fel model cadwraeth y gellir ei ailadrodd ar gyfer tirfeddianwyr.
Lluniwyd y prosiect hwn mewn ymateb i sgwrs ar hap ag athrawes ysgol sy’n ffrind i un o gyfarwyddwyr Carregwyllt sydd hefyd yn rhedeg ymgynghoriaeth ecolegol (, lle disgrifiodd sefyllfa y mae llawer o athrawon yn ei phrofi wrth ddymuno dysgu. tu allan, lefydd addas, a diffyg hyfforddiant ac felly hyder. Ganwyd syniad!
Mae menter Coedwig Addysgu Bach yn darparu’r ddau, ac oherwydd mynediad uniongyrchol or ochr y briffordd mae ar gael i’w harchebu gan unrhyw grŵp cymunedol neu ysgol.
Mae effaith Anhwylder Diffyg Natur yn cael ei gydnabod yn gyflym fel mater datblygiadol ymhlith plant, hyd yn oed y rhai mewn cymunedau gwledig. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn mynd i’r afael â hyn trwy ddefnyddio byd natur fel ystafell ddosbarth lle gellir addysgu pob pwnc.
Dymuna Carregwyllt ac Ysgol Rhyd y Llan ddiolch o galon i berchnogion Stad Carreglwyd, athrawon Ysgol Rhyd y Llan, ac yn arbennig i Aurora a thîm Partneriaeth Natur Leol Ynys Môn, a ariannodd y prosiect hwn yn gyfan gwbl, ac sydd wedi bod hynod o gefnogol ac amyneddgar o’r cychwyn cyntaf a heb hyn, ni fyddai’r weledigaeth gyffredin hon yma.
Carregwyllt was established to manage the ecological affairs of the Carreglwyd estate and to enable differentiation between the estate as a farming business and the estate as a replicable conservation model for landowners.
This project was conceived in response to a chance conversation with a schoolteacher friend of one of the Carregwyllt directors who also runs an ecological consultancy (, where she described a situation that many teachers experience when wishing to take learning outside, a lack of suitable spaces, and of training and therefore confidence. An idea was born!
The Tiny Teaching Forest initiative provides both, and due to direct roadside access is available to book by any community group or regional school. The impact of Nature Deficit Disorder is rapidly being recognised as a developmental issue among children, even those in rural communities. This project addresses this through using the natural world as a classroom in which all subjects can be taught.
Carregwyllt and Ysgol Rhyd y Llan wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the owners of Carreglwyd Estate, the teachers at Ysgol Rhyd y Llan, and especially to Aurora and the team at the Local Nature Partnership Anglesey, who wholly funded this project, and have been incredibly supportive and patient form the outset and without whom, this shared vision would simply not be here.
“Our vision for this outdoor learning space is to create a living classroom where children can connect with nature, learn about the environment, and develop a sense of stewardship for our planet. By providing opportunities for hands-on learning, we hope to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and nurture deeper appreciation for the natural world. There is pioneering Welsh legislation in the form of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, which encourages us to think about the long-term impact of our actions on future generations. We look to align our goals with the goals of this act and hope that this outdoor learning space will not only benefit the people of today but will also contribute to a more prosperous, resilient, and healthy environment for generations to come. Anglesey is commonly ranked as one of the most nature depleted areas in the UK, and the UK ranks amongst the most nature depleted countries in the world. We are very fortunate to have a few committed individuals within the council working hard to reverse this trend. Projects like this, alongside other local conservation efforts, are part of what is shaping up to be an exciting movement to restore the richness of our local environment. Together, we hope to ensure that future generations inherit an Anglesey that provides both them and the natural world with health and resilience.”
Robert Roots - Director
Workbooks for years 1-6 by Wild Elements, commissioned as part of the funding as an open resource for all to use.